Cultivating a Supportive Community on Social Media for Your Wellness Brand
In the fast-paced digital landscape, social media has become a powerful platform for wellness brands to connect with their audience and cultivate a thriving community. By implementing effective strategies, you can create a space where individuals feel supported, inspired, and engaged. In this blog post, we will explore key strategies to build a genuine community […]
5 Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Your Wellness Brand
Social media marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for health and wellness brands to differentiate themselves and make a meaningful impact. Keep reading for 5 benefits of social media marketing for your wellness brand! In the crowded and competitive wellness industry, connecting with your target audience and standing out from the competition is essential. […]
Increasing Sales with Pinterest for Your Lifestyle eCommerce Brand
Believe it or not, many agencies continue to argue against the value of Pinterest for the brands they represent. This is the default response for marketing professionals who haven’t adjusted their strategies to include the relatively young social network. It took two years from launch for Pinterest to go mainstream and when it did, it exploded […]
Increasing Sales with Instagram for Your Lifestyle eCommerce Brand
Instagram is more than pretty pictures. With over 600 million active monthly users, Instagram holds endless possibilities for engaging your customer base. The Instagram engagement rate beats not only other social media channels, but also every other traffic source — including YouTube and email. Instagram’s phenomenal engagement rate doesn’t mean you can simply upload a […]
Increase Sales with Facebook for Your Lifestyle eCommerce Brand
For most eCommerce brands, developing a Facebook sales strategy ranks high on the list of marketing priorities. Facebook is the number one social platform for driving traffic and building an audience. How does a lifestyle eCommerce brand turn Facebook fans into repeat customers? Established lifestyle brands are experts in creating compelling and shareable content. They […]
Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency vs. Freelancers
So you decided to step up your game and hire a freelancer instead of a marketing agency to manage your Facebook page. And your Twitter account. And your Instagram. And then you needed some web development work and a little SEO optimization… eCommerce… and then you branched out into Google AdWords… added weekly email campaigns… needed […]
Why Social Media Advertising Won’t Work for Your Business
Does Facebook advertising work? If you’re asking this question, chances are your business is experiencing one of three common marketing problems: a lag in sales, dipping site traffic, or a lack of engagement or ‘followers.’ You’d like to turn to social media advertising to address one or all of these problems, which often go hand-in-hand. […]