Increasing Sales with Pinterest for Your Lifestyle eCommerce Brand

Believe it or not, many agencies continue to argue against the value of Pinterest for the brands they represent. This is the default response for marketing professionals who haven’t adjusted their strategies to include the relatively young social network. It took two years from launch for Pinterest to go mainstream and when it did, it exploded […]

Increase Sales with Facebook for Your Lifestyle eCommerce Brand

For most eCommerce brands, developing a Facebook sales strategy ranks high on the list of marketing priorities. Facebook is the number one social platform for driving traffic and building an audience. How does a lifestyle eCommerce brand turn Facebook fans into repeat customers? Established lifestyle brands are experts in creating compelling and shareable content. They […]

Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency vs. Freelancers

So you decided to step up your game and hire a freelancer instead of a marketing agency to manage your Facebook page. And your Twitter account. And your Instagram. And then you needed some web development work and a little SEO optimization… eCommerce… and then you branched out into Google AdWords… added weekly email campaigns… needed […]

Avoid the Stock Photography Trap: Authentic Branding with Original Photography

Shown in action, Kate Oakley, our social media manager and owner of Adorned Photography, who does all of our client photo shoots Stock photography may appear to be a simple solution for your overall marketing strategy, but original photography goes a long way towards creating an authentic online presence for your brand development. Finding the […]